Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mice and Rodent Control

It is a great world we live in, and mice love it just as much as you do.  They are curious, smart, investigative and creative problem solvers.  They are on every continent in the planet, and have found ways to travel with us, blend in with our farming, and are well adapted to our cities.

If you have a moment, consider the growth of our species, and think about how fast our technology has progressed since the the 19th century.  It has been the fastest growth period in human history.  We have progressed our ability to live longer, eat better, and communicate better than ever before.  Still, we have yet to make the perfect mouse trap.

This has been a goal of every person on the planet for centuries.  There is not one person who has not seen a mouse in their house.  If you build a new house, mice are happy to move in, during construction.  They will find the great new open walls an invitation, and often new homes are built around a mouse infestation.  They adapt with the noise, clatter, and even the uneven temperatures to create a new and fantastic nesting area for themselves.

So, maybe we can evolve and create the best mouse trap out there-your knowledge about mice.  They have very specific needs and will be easier to remove when a person has the knowledge about what makes them tick.  They can be caught in a simple bucket, have an affinity to sweet or salty foods, enjoy a warm house versus a cold one, and have very simple food and water needs.

Thinking along these lines, you can remove them from your home with a plan of trapping, and this will require the patience of a cat.  The hunt is on!

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Thank you for your kind comment! I hope you have found the information beneficial, and wish you the best on your mouse hunt!